Bagi warga Malaysia yang takut akan kematian mendadak akibat sakit jantung, strok dan penyakit kronik yang lain, menghadapi ancaman senyap dari Tekanan Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi), Kolesterol Tinggi dan Gula Darah Tinggi (Hiperglisemia)

Jelajahi Peluang Kesihatan Baharu: Penyelesaian Inovatif untuk Masalah Hipertensi, Kolesterol Tinggi dan Hiperglisemia Sudah Tiba

Memperkenalkan Inovasi Terkini dalam Penjagaan Kesihatan Semulajadi—Direka Untuk Memerangi Masalah Kesihatan Kronik yang kian Meningkat dalam kalangan golongan muda

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Tahukah Anda?

Tanda-tanda Risiko Penyskit Jantung

Ketidak-selesaan di bahagian dada

Kebanyakan serangan penyakit jantung melibatkan ketidakselesaan di bahagian tengah atau kiri dada yang berlarutan lebih daripada beberapa minit atau yang hilang dan kembali. Ia boleh dirasakan seperti tekanan yang tidak selesa, rasa dihimpit, rasa kembang atau sakit

Sesak Nafas

Boleh berlaku sekali dengan atau tanpa ketidakselesaan dada. Ia juga merupakan tanda kegagalan jantung berfungsi dengan normal

Ketidakselesaan di Bahagian Atas Badan

Gejala boleh termasuk sakit atau ketidakselesaan pada satu atau kedua-dua lengan, leher, rahang, perut atau sakit belakang


Berpeluh secara tiba-tiba tanpa sebab yang jelas boleh menandakan serangan penyakit jantung

Loya atau

Gejala ini biasanya muncul pada wanita dan boleh menunjukkan serangan penyakit jantung atau kegagalan jantung berfungsi secara normal


Rasa pening atau nak pengsan boleh berlaku semasa serangan penyakit jantung atau ketika jantung tidak dapat pam darah ke otak dengan cekap seperti yang sepatutnya


Keletihan yang luar biasa atau kekurangan tenaga boleh menjadi simptom penyakit jantung, terutamanya pada wanita


Kegagalan jantung berfungsi boleh menyebabkan cecair terkumpul dalam badan, menyebabkan bengkak pada kaki, buku lali, atau jari kaki


Kebas pada lengan atau kaki kerap berlaku apabila jantung gagal pam darah dengan normal ke seluruh badan

Adakah anda juga mengalami gejala-gejala ini?

ini adalah tanda-tanda anda berisiko TINGGI menghadapi serang jantung!

Emotion Trigger

Imagine waking up to a world where your chair at the dinner table is forever empty. Where your family’s laughter turns to tears at the mere mention of your name, haunted by the sudden silence that your untimely departure has left. This isn’t just a distant possibility—it’s a harrowing reality for families torn apart by the silent killers: high blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. These are not mere numbers on a medical chart; they are ticking time bombs that can detonate without warning, robbing you of the chance to say your final goodbyes, to express your love, or to share one last moment of joy with those who mean everything to you.
The thought of your loved ones grappling with the shock and despair of losing you so suddenly—wandering through life carrying the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled dreams—is a scenario too painful to bear. It’s a wake-up call to confront these silent threats head-on, to not become a statistic of sudden death that leaves a void of anguish and regret. Take control of your health now, for the sake of every precious moment yet to be shared with your loved ones. Let fear be the catalyst that inspires action to protect the irreplaceable treasure of your life.


In the midst of these fears, there emerges a beacon of hope: Sahiyya. Sahiyya is not just a solution; it’s a guardian against the silent threats that hover unseen, yet heavily felt. Formulated with nature’s finest, Sahiyya is meticulously crafted to tackle the very roots of high blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol—factors that contribute to the risk of sudden death.

Sahiyya brings together the wisdom of traditional remedies and the precision of modern science. Each capsule is a step towards reclaiming control over your health, offering your body the strength it needs to fight back against these silent killers. With Sahiyya, you’re not just protecting yourself; you’re ensuring that every seat at the dinner table remains filled, that every family gathering is loud with laughter, and every moment with your loved ones is lived to its fullest.

We understand the pain of unspoken goodbyes and the void left by untimely departures. That’s why Sahiyya is more than a supplement—it’s your commitment to your family, a promise to be there for all the tomorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and all the precious, mundane moments in between.

Don’t let the fear of sudden death shadow your life. Let Sahiyya light the way to a healthier, brighter future. Embrace the chance to write a future where health fears transform into stories of triumph, where every additional day is a gift wrapped in the assurance that you’ve taken the best care of yourself—for you, and for those who can’t bear the thought of a world without you.

Credibility - Ingredient


(Ekstrak Bawang Hitam Berumur)

ABG25+® comes from premium black garlic, aged and processed using ABG Cool-Tech™ technology by Pharmactive Biotech Products in Spain. This optimizes the concentration of the bioactive compounds

ABG25+® is a superior grade of aged black garlic extract, renowned for its high content of S-Allyl Cysteine, an antioxidant that excels in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Its ability to modulate blood sugar levels and improve cholesterol profiles makes it an invaluable ally against diabetes and heart disease. The aging process intensifies its beneficial components, providing a powerful, odourless form of garlic that delivers health benefits without discomfort

Islamic Perspective:
Garlic is mentioned in various Hadiths. While it is not specifically highlighted for its healing properties, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) acknowledged its strong smell. In general, the Quran mentions that for every illness, there is a cure, which is a principle that applies to natural remedies (Quran 26:80). Furthermore, the Hadith advises using black seeds for healing because they are a remedy for all diseases except death (Sahih al-Bukhari)


(Fitosterol Pokok Pain)

Lipophytol® is derived from the pine trees of Spain, a country known for its rich herbal traditions and high-quality botanical extracts. The phytosterols are microencapsulated using advanced technology to ensure maximum efficacy in cholesterol management

Lipophytol® is a stellar ingredient for managing cholesterol levels. It utilizes a patented microencapsulation technology, enhancing the bioavailability of phytosterols. This innovative approach ensures a potent reduction in the absorption of dietary cholesterol, leading to a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and supporting the maintenance of heart health

Islamic Perspective:
Trees are often mentioned in the Quran as blessings that provide shade and fruit (Quran 14:24-25). The pine tree isn’t specifically referenced in Islamic texts, but the use of plants for healing is well-supported. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “Allah did not send down any disease without also sending down the cure, some know it and some are ignorant of it” (Sahih al-Bukhari)


(Estrak Kulit Oren Manis)

Sourced from sweet oranges, the bioflavonoids in Cordiart™ are concentrated through a patented process in the Netherlands. This ensures high purity and potency, making it especially effective in managing blood pressure

This premium extract is not just any citrus bioflavonoid; its high concentration of active compounds, specifically hesperidin, works synergistically to amplify blood circulation, promoting a robust and resilient cardiovascular system. By optimizing the elasticity of blood vessels, it actively combats hypertension and supports heart health, which is critical for those concerned with high blood pressure

Islamic Perspective:
Oranges and other citrus fruits are not directly mentioned in the Quran or Hadith, but the general use of fruit for health benefits is encouraged. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “Take advantage of the beneficial results of fruits and follow the practices of the people in whose country you live” (Ibn Al-Qayyim, “Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet”)

(Fitosterol Pokok Pain)


Lipophytol® is derived from the pine trees of Spain, a country known for its rich herbal traditions and high-quality botanical extracts. The phytosterols are microencapsulated using advanced technology to ensure maximum efficacy in cholesterol management


Lipophytol® is a stellar ingredient for managing cholesterol levels. It utilizes a patented microencapsulation technology, enhancing the bioavailability of phytosterols. This innovative approach ensures a potent reduction in the absorption of dietary cholesterol, leading to a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and supporting the maintenance of heart health

Islamic Perspective:

Trees are often mentioned in the Quran as blessings that provide shade and fruit (Quran 14:24-25). The pine tree isn’t specifically referenced in Islamic texts, but the use of plants for healing is well-supported. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “Allah did not send down any disease without also sending down the cure, some know it and some are ignorant of it” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

(Estrak Kulit Oren Manis)


Sourced from sweet oranges, the bioflavonoids in Cordiart™ are concentrated through a patented process in the Netherlands. This ensures high purity and potency, making it especially effective in managing blood pressure


This premium extract is not just any citrus bioflavonoid; its high concentration of active compounds, specifically hesperidin, works synergistically to amplify blood circulation, promoting a robust and resilient cardiovascular system. By optimizing the elasticity of blood vessels, it actively combats hypertension and supports heart health, which is critical for those concerned with high blood pressure

Islamic Perspective:

Oranges and other citrus fruits are not directly mentioned in the Quran or Hadith, but the general use of fruit for health benefits is encouraged. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “Take advantage of the beneficial results of fruits and follow the practices of the people in whose country you live” (Ibn Al-Qayyim, “Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet”)

If you are..

How Sahiyya helps

Stabilizes Blood Vessels

Fortifies the integrity of your circulatory system for enduring health

Boosts Blood Flow

Enhances circulation, ensuring nutrients and oxygen are delivered efficiently throughout your body

Balances Cholesterol

Optimizes your lipid profile by lowering harmful cholesterol and fostering beneficial levels

Reduces Oxidative Stress

Curbs cellular damage caused by free radicals, supporting overall wellness

Prevents Plaque Formation

Minimizes the buildup in arteries, contributing to a strong and healthy heart

Decreases Inflammation

Actively reduces vascular inflammation, promoting smooth and flexible blood vessels

Days 1-7 (Adjustment)

As your body begins to absorb the benefits of Sahiyya, it starts a gentle process of adjustment. This is where the initial groundwork is laid for managing your blood sugar, easing blood pressure, and starting the regulation of cholesterol levels

Days 8-15 (Recovery)

During this phase, Sahiyya contributes to the repair of blood vessels which is crucial for lowering high blood pressure. It also aids in the restoration of cellular health which can be affected by high blood sugar levels

Days 16-30 (Treatment)

As treatment continues, Sahiyya targets long-standing cellular issues associated with high blood sugar and cholesterol, helping to rectify them and thus improving your metabolic health. This period is critical for stabilizing blood sugar levels and improving cholesterol profiles

Days 31-45 (Protection)

In the final phase, Sahiyya works to provide ongoing protection. This means solidifying the gains made in blood pressure reduction, ensuring stable blood sugar levels, and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. It's about safeguarding these improvements for long-term health benefits

If you want

Blood Pressure

By aiding in the maintenance of normal blood pressure levels, Sahiyya helps to relieve the strain on the heart, which can prevent heart-related complications and support overall cardiovascular function

Blood Sugar

Managing blood sugar is vital for heart health. Sahiyya's ingredients work to stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues associated with diabetes

Supports Kidney Function

Healthy kidneys are crucial for maintaining the right balance of salts and fluids in the blood, which indirectly supports heart function. Sahiyya assists in addressing kidney health, which can have a positive impact on heart health

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease. Sahiyya contains ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory effects, which may protect against heart disease

Uric Acid and Gout Management

High levels of uric acid can increase the risk of heart disease. Sahiyya's benefits for uric acid and gout may also contribute to a healthier heart


Guarantees –
100% Quality Assurance

At Sahiyya, we stand behind the excellence and authenticity of our product. Each box of Sahiyya is a testament to our commitment to delivering only the original, premium-grade health supplement directly to you. We guarantee that with every sachet, you are receiving a product that has been crafted with the utmost precision and care.

Our rigorous quality control process ensures that every batch of Sahiyya meets the highest standards of product integrity and efficacy. From the meticulous sourcing of ingredients to the final packaging, we maintain a transparent supply chain to provide you with nothing but the genuine, potent benefits that Sahiyya promises.

We are so confident in the quality of our product that we offer a 100% quality assurance guarantee. If you ever have any doubts about the authenticity of the product, we pledge to address your concerns immediately and ensure your complete satisfaction. With Sahiyya, you can be assured that you are enhancing your health with a product that is truly original and of the highest quality.


How it Works

Step 1


Step 2


Between 30 minute

1 hour after meal for optimal absorption

After 2 boxes How Sahiyya helps Solution



Afyaa Sahiyya is a functional drink classified under the food category by the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) and regulated under the Food Safety and Quality Division (FSQ), Ministry of Health. Afyaa Sahiyya is not a supplement

Yes, it is safe to take every day. Each phase of SAHIYYA production undergoes strict quality checks for heavy metals and microorganisms from accredited laboratories to ensure its safety and quality

For the first 5 days practice 2 times a day. 1 packet in the morning before lunch. 1 packet before dinner. Day 6 onwards take 1 packet only before lunch. If you are taking hospital medicine such as Panadol or drinking tea/coffee, please leave the time for 1 hour, for more effective effects

Sahiyya is specially formulated for individuals who want to improve blood flow, healthy cholesterol levels, optimize overall health, improve exercise performance, individuals who often eat unhealthy foods, rarely exercise and individuals who are middle-aged and elderly.

Afyaa Sahiyya helps improve cholesterol levels and blood circulation gradually through various mechanism actions. In addition, you will be more energetic and not easily tired. However, please note that this SAHIYYA is not a medicine or a magic pill, so it will not have a quick effect. It takes time to see the effects and depends on the severity of your condition.

Yes can. But keep a distance of 1-2 hours after taking insulin

Yes can. To be more effective, you can space the intake in 1 hour for a better effect